December, 2000 Carole Keeton Rylander Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts |
Chapter 9: Transportation
Use Innovative FinancingTechniques
Standard Federal
Aid Project
Debt-Financed Project under Section 122 (GARVEE)
Project Cost Eligible for Federal Reimbursement
Total eligible construction costs
Total debt service (including principal, interest, and issuance) for bond
issue to build eligible federal-aid project
Basis for Reimbursement
Construction expenditures
Debt service payments or obligations
Timing of Reimbursement
Period of construction (3-5 years, typically)
Term of debt (5, 10, 15 or even 20 years)
Federal Requirements
All applicable
All applicable
What Shows on State Transportation Improvement Plan
Total funds needed to reimburse construction expenditures during
fiscally-constrained years of STIP
Total funds needed for debt service during fiscally-constrained years of
Source: Federal Highway Administration.[6]
New Mexico, Ohio, and Massachusetts were early pioneers in the issuance of GARVEEs or grant anticipation notes for transportation, followed more recently by Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Mississippi, and New Jersey (for transit).[7] A number of other states have recently gained or confirmed their legal authority to issue GARVEEs, including Alabama, California, Florida, Nevada, and Oklahoma.[8] Many other states are finding that they have the legal authority in place to pursue GARVEEs without further legislative action.
Exhibit 3 provides a summary of the GANs/GARVEE issuance by other states. For the most part, these states will use grant anticipation mechanisms for large-scale, critical projects that require quicker action than that provided by a traditional funding approach and that have economic and other benefits that further outweigh the potential debt issuance costs.
Exhibit 3
GARVEE and GANs Issuance by Other States
Date(s) Of Issue
Money AmountIssued To Date($ millions)
Rating Agency Ratings (Moody’s/S&P/Fitch)
Backstop Provisions
GARVEE Issuance
New Mexico
New Mexico State Route 44
A3/A-/na (underlying ratings, with insurance: Aa3
No state backstop; bond insurance
May-98, Aug-99
$70, $20
Spring-Sandusky Project
Moral obligation pledge to use state gas tax funds and seek general fund
appropriations in the event of federal shortfall
Exhibit 3 continued
GARVEE and GANs Issuance by Other States
Date(s) Of Issue
Money AmountIssued To Date($ millions)
Rating Agency Ratings (Moody’s/S&P/Fitch)
Backstop Provisions
GARVEE Issuance
Interstate highways
Full faith and credit of state, plus state motor fuel taxes
Any project financed in whole or in part by federal funds
Federal highway funds as allocated annually by CDOT; other state funds
subject to annual appropriation
Acceleration of freeway projects/federally eligible projects
Highway funds
Other Transportation GANs Issuance
Central Artery Project
Special obligations backed by federal reimbursements (already accumulated
advance construction balances), designated state funds, and backstop pledge of
gasoline excise tax
June 1999
Statewide four-lane construction program
State gas tax
Source: Federal Highway Administration, Presentation to Transportation Research Board
Innovative Finance Conference, Scottsdale, Arizona, August 20, 2000.
The start of GARVEE issuance in 1998 is attributable to several legislative changes. First, until passage of the National Highway System Designation Act of 1995 (or NHS Act), federal laws and regulations inhibited the issuance of debt backed directly by federal-aid transportation funding. The Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21) further encouraged debt issuance by incorporating several legislative procedures that reduce appropriations risk for securing funding. For instance, TEA-21 provides $198 billion in guaranteed surface transportation funding for the six-year period from 1998 to 2003.[9] In addition, a minimum guarantee provision provides added security for donor states that they will actually receive a pre-established minimum level of funding. Both the overall level of federal funding and the new additional certainty surrounding it is unprecedented and facilitates financing backed by future federal dollars.
The primary benefits of GANs (and, more specifically, GARVEES) include:[10]
States are considering the use of GARVEES rather than other types of debt financing for a number of reasons:
The following are limitations of GARVEEs cited by critics and responses to these criticisms:
Based on recent research regarding other states’ approaches and knowledge of past attempts at gaining legislative approval for GARVEEs in Texas, key attributes of a GARVEE initiative include:
According to Standard and Poor’s, highly rated GARVEE programs (ranging from AA to AAA) typically have broad security pledges with a back-up or alternative revenue, such as a gas tax or other available funds, pledged in addition to federal funds. Alternatively, statewide programs secured solely by the receipt of federal highway revenues but with debt service coverage of at least 1.5 times are likely to receive minimum ratings in the ‘A’ category. Factors that can help boost ratings include the use of short bond maturities and debt service reserve funds and eliminating some of the uncertainties regarding the timing and nature of future reauthorization of the federal program.[18]
Another tool available to support expanded project financing is the Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (or TIFIA) program. TIFIA was enacted as part of TEA-21 to help advance projects that have dedicated revenues, including tolls and a wide range of other user charges, as well as state and local dedicated funds. The US Department of Transportation (DOT) interprets the term “dedicated revenue sources” to include “tolls, user fees, special assessments, tax increment financing, and any portion of a tax or fee that produces revenues that are pledged for the purpose of retiring debt on the given project.” The US DOT also may accept general obligation pledges and other pledges on a case-by-case basis.[19] TIFIA is intended to address market gaps in completing project plans of finance.
TIFIA assistance may be provided in the form of direct loans, loan guarantees, or standby lines of credit. It can be used for projects that are at least $100 million in size ($30 million for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) projects) and can support up to one-third of project costs. Projects receiving TIFIA assistance must be on the state transportation plan and the approved State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP).[20]
TIFIA funding is provided under TEA-21 and is completely separate from individual states’ apportionments. Participation in this program will not adversely affect a state’s receipt of formula-based funding.
The selection criteria for the program include (as specified under 23 USC 182(b)(2)):
Following a competitive solicitation process, five projects were selected in TIFIA’s first round. The projects are valued at a combined total cost of nearly $6.5 billion, with TIFIA providing approximately $1.6 billion in credit assistance. Examples of projects benefiting from the TIFIA program include:[21]
Six applications for the second round (fiscal 2000) of TIFIA assistance were received in July 2000. Three were selected for fiscal 2000 funding and two deferred to fiscal 2001. Letters of interest and applications also have been received for fiscal 2001 assistance.
The Texas Turnpike Authority (TTA) submitted an application on behalf of the Central Texas Turnpike Project in and around Austin.[22] Other Texas projects that have been identified to date as potentially benefiting from TIFIA assistance include the west section of the I-635 corridor in Dallas, a high occupancy (HOT) Lane–a lane that allows lower occupancy vehicles) project on the LBJ Freeway, and I-10 in Houston.[23] The program also could be beneficial to a number of border investment projects, especially given the emphasis on trade and regional benefits in the federally established eligibility and selection criteria.
The Texas Department of Transportation does not have the ability to issue general obligation debt for transportation. Revenue bonds may be issued by the Texas Transportation Commission on behalf of the State Infrastructure Bank (SIB) and the Texas Turnpike Authority but not for the State Highway Fund.
General obligation and revenue bond financing capability would share many of the benefits of GARVEEs and federal credit, and would have the potential to be issued at lower interest cost, depending on the specific nature and structure of the transaction. Revenue debt would require project-specific revenue streams or the dedication of state-level financial resources and thus generally would bear slightly higher interest costs than general obligation debt. General obligation bonds have a lower interest rate because they are secured by funds in the state treasury that are not constitutionally dedicated for other purposes.
As reported in a recent survey of state transportation departments, at least 33 of 48 surveyed make use of debt financing (see Exhibit 4).
Exhibit 4
Use of Debt Finance by State DOTs
Use of Debt Finance
Use of Debt Finance
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
No response
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Puerto Rico
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
No response
West Virginia
Source: American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials,
The Changing State DOT, 1998, pp. 78 – 81.
*Updated to include recent GARVEE Bond transactions in 1999 and 2000.
A proposal currently under discussion by the Transportation Excellence for the 21st Century Coalition (TEX-21) recommends authorizing the issuance of general obligation and/or revenue bonds for transportation purposes by the Texas Department of Transportation. The proposal calls for a constitutional amendment to create a new transportation revolving fund to hold all new transportation dollars identified in the 2001 and later legislative sessions; allow either revenue or general obligation bonds to be issued periodically based on the revenues statutorily dedicated to the revolving fund; allow future legislatures to add revenues to the fund and raise the debt limit accordingly; allow bond proceeds to be used for any project for which the state’s Highway Fund can be invested; and require distribution of bond funds to be in accordance with the same calculated percentage TxDOT uses in assessing its annual allocations to the 25 districts in the Unified Transportation Program.[24]
The success of such an approach is inherently dependent upon the ability to dedicate net new revenues to transportation purposes. While this specific proposal focuses on new revenues as the resources to be leveraged via debt financing, the mechanics for issuance would be very similar whether backed by existing or new revenues.
This approach could be complementary to both GARVEE and TIFIA financing and in no way are these financing techniques mutually exclusive. Implemented together, they afford the state the greatest flexibility to maximize the impact of its available revenue streams at the lowest cost based on the specific circumstances at the time.
TxDOT’s authority and experience with respect to each of the techniques introduced above can be summarized as follows:
Providing the Texas Department of Transportation with the ability to apply currently available innovative financing tools to leverage existing resources will support other recommendations that focus on improving the capacity of the department to speed delivery of new construction projects. The most appropriate financial leveraging tools include both more traditional capital market borrowing via general obligation and/or revenue bond financing and newly emerging federally supported leveraging techniques such as GARVEEs and federal credit.
The following recommendations would enhance Texas’ leveraging capacity and thus its ability to deliver critical transportation projects.
TxDOT should be granted authority to issue GARVEE debt for transportation investments. Taking into account both the general attributes of successful GARVEE programs in other states and lessons learned from past attempts in Texas at gaining legislative approval for GARVEE financing, following are specific recommendations:
The eligibility and selection criteria should be implemented by the TTC in conjunction with the Bond Review Board, especially in those instances where state funds are committed. Eligibility and selection criteria should include consideration of potential cost savings associated with project advancement, anticipated economic, environmental, and other benefits of early delivery, the impact (both positive and negative) on the remainder of the state’s transportation program, and any potential impact on the state’s overall credit evaluation. Legislation should provide guidance as to the criteria to be considered while giving TTC authority to apply and weight the general criteria based on the particular circumstances.
The limit can be either on the annual payments of principal and interest or on total outstanding principal. Given the overall magnitude of Texas’ federal funding, a reasonable limit for Texas using the latter approach could be 10 percent.
In general, longer-term issuances will have lower credit ratings due to the relative uncertainty of federal funds beyond one or two authorization cycles. A number of states have imposed or are considering a maximum of 15 years, which would be appropriate for Texas as well. The legislation could establish 15 years as a limit, with specific terms to be established by TTC on a case-by-case basis.
If necessary, the legislation could impose limitations on the maximum level of state backstop. Alternatively, TTC could be required to gain approval from the Bond Review Board and the Comptroller prior to any issuance including a state financial backstop.
Examples of state revenues that can be made available as funds available for a state backstop include state motor fuels tax revenues, license fees, and miscellaneous receipts of the state’s highway fund. Any and all highway fund revenues not otherwise pledged can be used as a backstop to federal sources of repayment. In this way, the state can improve the creditworthiness of bond issuances in certain circumstances and increase TxDOT’s flexibility. Having such a backstop has been a critical ingredient in securing superior credit ratings in the GARVEEs issued by other states.
While it is clear that TTC can participate on behalf of the Texas Turnpike Authority, there is no official opinion as to whether TxDOT can take advantage of the borrowing program beyond TTA projects. In December 2000, the Comptroller of Public Accounts requested an Attorney General’s Opinion to clarify the state’s legal authority to borrow under the TIFIA program.
In the early stages of the TIFIA program, TxDOT’s approach has been fairly disjointed with districts apparently making their own determinations about making federal TIFIA applications. As with all competitive selection processes, there is a certain element of “market timing” and a risk of saturation in TIFIA applications. To maximize statewide benefits, efforts by TxDOT should be well coordinated.
Given the current focus on securing authorization for GARVEEs, it may be difficult to also secure authorization for debt backed solely by state resources. TxDOT should begin to develop a strategy for obtaining such authorization in the 2003 legislative session in which GARVEE authority will be a focus. Alternatively, TxDOT could package these debt-related initiatives together in a way that would maximize the department’s flexibility to obtain the lowest cost and most efficient source of financing based on particular circumstances. Other states have taken on these initiatives in tandem and separately, based on the political circumstances.
The advantage of obtaining authority to issue state-secured debt in addition to GARVEE debt is the potential to secure the lowest cost financing at various points in time and for varying projects. In addition, some vocal opponents to GARVEE debt have stated their relative acceptance of state-backed revenue debt.[26]
Since borrowing money is featured in the methods discussed in this paper, it is important to note that Texas has one of the lowest debt burdens among the states. In 1999, Texas ranked 36th among all states and 10th among the 10 largest states in state tax-supported debt per capita, according to Moody’s Medians 1999. Texas had $296 in net tax-supported debt per capita, compared to the national median of $505 per capita and a median of $679 per capita among the 10 largest states.[27] State debt service payable from general revenue has grown as the state issues more bonds. At the end of fiscal 1999, the state owed $3.4 billion payable from general revenue. During fiscal 1999, annual debt service payable from general revenue, including authorized but unissued debt, accounted for 2.20 percent of average general revenue collections for the previous three fiscal years.[28] This is well below the constitutional debt limit, approved by Texas voters in November 1997, of 5 percent of the average amount of general revenue for the three preceding years.
While Texas’ transportation decision makers are examining all possible financing options, issuing bonds merits increased attention. Most other major infrastructure projects, such as the construction of state office buildings and prisons and the purchase of mainframe computers, are financed with bonds and short-term notes. Texas state agencies and institutions of higher education issued $2.78 billion in bonds in fiscal 1998 and had $11.79 billion in debt outstanding as of August 31, 1998.[29]
To the extent that TxDOT is granted authority to participate in federal innovative finance programs, such as GARVEE issuance and TIFIA and/or given authority to issue general obligation and/or revenue debt for transportation purposes, a comprehensive approach to the use of these techniques will be required. A number of states have begun to establish review or oversight committees and multi-year financing programs to support the decision-making process.
These approaches are in their infancy, but have promise for the management of integrated innovative finance programs. Such an approach would be beneficial to Texas and would help manage the tradeoffs between traditional pay-as-you-go financing and the various financing approaches discussed.
Issuing GARVEE bonds would provide TxDOT with funding for urgently needed state highway construction in 2002-03 and beyond. Implementing a bond issue program for eligible projects would be a way to expedite road construction programs that are part of an estimated $1.8 billion of needed work to maintain the current level of services. For example, if TxDOT were to issue $1.1 billion in GARVEE bonds covering a 15-year term, the proceeds could be used to fund highway construction projects along the state’s NAFTA corridors of I-35, I-10, and I-69. Issuance costs and debt service on the bonds would be paid by federal aid funds. GARVEE bond financing is not delayed by a bond referendum, and bonds with their own sources of debt repayment do not count toward Texas’ statutory debt limit.[30]
The fiscal impact of any combination of these recommendations includes both inflation savings associated with accelerated project completion and better project bundling (net of financing costs) and the economic benefit of having the projects in place earlier.
A few examples that have been identified as projects that could benefit include SH 130, a $1.6 billion project that is a strong candidate for TIFIA; I-35 from Waco to Hillsboro, a $700 million project; the I-10 project in Houston; and major interchange projects throughout the state. Another potential project is the proposed outer-loop Northeast Parkway in El Paso. This project would redirect commercial truck traffic from the Zaragoza port-of-entry and west-bound traffic around the city into New Mexico. The proposal is in the very preliminary planning stages.
Exhibit 5 provides an example of the potential fiscal impact of a GARVEE program at varying levels of the state’s annual federal-aid apportionment. The exhibit demonstrates the amount that can be leveraged and the required debt service payments over time.
Exhibit 5
Leveraging Capacity of Texas’ Federal Apportionments
(Dollars in thousands)
Estimated Annual Apportionments Based on Average Annual
Apportionments Under TEA-21
Percent Annual Apportionments Allocated to GARVEE
Maximum Annual Debt Service Payment
Estimated Principal Borrowing Leveraged
Methodology based on FHWA GARVEEs Fact
5 percent average annual interest rate
Bonds repaid over 15 years with level debt service, semiannual
Issuance costs subsumed in interest rate calculation
A GARVEE bond program would significantly increase funding available now for highway projects. After deducting issuance costs (fees for underwriters, bond counsel, financial advisors, and other administrative costs), an estimated $542 million would be available in fiscal 2002 and 2003 to finance highway construction projects (see Exhibit 6). This estimate assumes that the bonds would be issued in two $550 million installments—one in fiscal 2002 and the other in fiscal 2003. Debt service would be paid from future federal-aid obligations and state matching funds.
If the Texas Public Finance Authority (TPFA) issues $550 million in GARVEE bonds for highway construction each year in 2002 and 2003, a net $542 million would be available for highway construction each year of the biennium. The first issuance and debt service payment in 2002 would be $60 million. Issuance and debt service costs for the second year would total $110 million. The amount of debt service incurred to be deducted from 2003 and beyond from federal aid obligations and state matching funds would be approximately $106 million every year thereafter for 15 years. Because of the state fund structure, issuance of bonds would not increase the amount of revenue available for certification by the Comptroller of Public Accounts for general spending.
Exhibit 6
Cash Flow for Highway Funding From GARVEE Bond Sale, 2002-2006
Bond Issue
Cost of issuance (est.)
Bond proceeds
Principal and interest
Gain/(Cost) to State Highway Fund
*Includes estimated $52,970,000 million for debt service in 2003.
Sources: Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts and Texas Bond Review Board.
GARVEEs have broader economic implications beyond the state’s immediate fiscal implications. Roads have a large effect on productivity in our economy with one comprehensive study indicating that every dollar spent on road construction yields 29 cents in increased productivity.[31] Increased productivity represents real monetary savings to businesses which can, in turn, increase investment and other business spending in the state, resulting in an even more profound economic effect. These effects persist as long as a road exists, as well.
Two GARVEE issues of $550 million each, with $7.9 million in bond issuance costs, result in a total of $1.8 billion in advanced road construction. This example assumes that construction is completed in two years and each GARVEE issue is fully repaid in 15 years at 5.21 percent interest. Due to issuance and interest costs, over time fewer total dollars are spent on roads using GARVEE financing than under a pay-as-you-go system. Nevertheless, the net economic effect is positive due to the fact that roads are in place and in use, benefiting users much earlier than they otherwise would be.
Over the sixteen years that elapse from bond issuance to completion of debt service, new roads are constructed early but road construction is sacrificed in later years in order to service the debt. The economic activity gain due to accelerated road construction is less than the lost economic activity from future road construction. These net costs, however, are more than offset by the productivity benefits mentioned above, and by the non-monetary benefits that accrue to drivers as a result of time savings. Using all the assumptions above, the net present value (the value in today’s dollars of the future economic benefits of the project, after adjusting for general and construction inflation), over 30 years, of issuing $1.1 billion in GARVEEs over two years is a positive $1.0 billion.
During the 1990s, road construction costs increased at a yearly rate that averaged about 2 percentage points higher than the general rate of inflation. If this trend persists, project costs will continue to increase over time: the value, in today’s dollars, of financing immediate road construction is increased. In the hypothetical example above, with construction inflation 2 percent higher than general inflation, over thirty years, the net present value of issuing $700 million in GARVEEs over two years is just under $1.1 billion.
The net present value calculations presented here are very sensitive to changes in the interest rate and the discount rate. These calculations depend on current bond and treasury rates. Due consideration must therefore be given to prevailing interest rates in considering a road bond issue.
Bond Proceeds Net of Issuance Costs to the State Highway
Debt Service Costs to the State Highway Fund
Net Gain/(Cost) to the State Highway Fund
[1 ] Texas Department of Transportation, Transportation Needs Revenue Assessment Report (Austin, Texas, January 1997).
[2 ] E- mail from Max Proctor, Texas Department of Transportation, to Craig Secrest, Trans Tech Management, Inc., August 10, 2000.
[3 ] Federal Highway Administration, Federal Innovative Finance Tools Fact Sheet (Washington, DC).
[4 ] Federal Highway Administration, GARVEE Bond Guidance – Implementing the Provisions of Title 23 Section 122 Reimbursements to States for Bond and Other Debt Instrument Financing Costs (Washington, DC, August 2000), p. 4.
[5 ] Federal Highway Administration, GARVEEs Fact Sheet (http://www.wfc/ (Internet document.)
[6 ] Federal Highway Administration, The GARVEE Goldrush: Tracking the States’ Use of Debt, a presentation to Transportation Research Board Innovative Finance Conference, Scottsdale, Arizona, August 20, 2000.
[7 ] The Federal Highway Administration distinguishes between GARVEEs – debt instruments backed directly by federal-aid funds and other forms of indebtedness whereby debt is repaid indirectly by federal project reimbursements. The primary distinctions are that under a GARVEE structure, all debt-related costs are eligible for reimbursement, including interest and issuance costs, whereas under the latter structure, interest and issuance costs are not eligible for reimbursement; and the degree to which federal requirements apply. The debt issued by Massachusetts and Mississippi is not characterized by FHWA as GARVEE debt. Source: Jennifer Mayer, Western Finance Center, Federal Highway Administration, August 17, 2000.
[8 ] Federal Highway Administration, The GARVEE Goldrush: Tracking the States’ Use of Debt, a presentation to Transportation Research Board Innovative Finance Conference, Scottsdale, Arizona, August 20, 2000.
[9 ] Federal Highway Administration, A Summary: Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century, July 15, 1998 (http:// (Internet document.)
[10 ] Based in part on Federal Highway Administration, GARVEEs Fact Sheet (http://www.wfc/ (Internet document.)
[11] Testimony by Tom Johnson, Associated General Contractors, before the State Border Affairs and State Affairs Committees, Houston, Texas, April 2000.
[12 ] There are some limitations for design and right-of-way projects such that the state cannot continue with active design and ROW acquisition until conformity is reestablished. A state may, however, substitute allowable projects within the area in conformity lapse or projects outside that area, as long as federal requirements have been met.
[13 ] Federal Highway Administration, GARVEE Bond Guidance – Implementing the Provisions of Title 23 Section 122 Reimbursements to States for Bond and Other Debt Instrument Financing Costs (Washington, DC, August 2000), p. 4.
[14 ] Federal Highway Administration, Western Finance Center, Comparison: GARVEE Legislation (Draft) (San Francisco, California, June 11, 1999).
[15 ] Federal Highway Administration, Western Finance Center, Comparison: GARVEE Legislation (Draft) (San Francisco, California, June 11, 1999).
[16 ] Federal Highway Administration, Western Finance Center, Comparison: GARVEE Legislation (Draft) (San Francisco, California, June 11, 1999).
[17 ] Federal Highway Administration, Western Finance Center, Comparison: GARVEE Legislation (Draft) (San Francisco, California, June 11, 1999).
[18 ] Standard & Poor’s, Commentary: Grant Anticipation Revenue Bond Rating Criteria,June 19, 2000 ( (Internet document.)
[19] Federal Highway Administration, Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act Program Guide (Washington, DC, May 2000), pp. 3-7.
[20] Federal Highway Administration, Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act Program Guide (Washington, DC, May 2000).
[21] Federal Highway Administration, Transportation Infrastructure and Finance Innovation Act, “TIFIA Projects,” ( (Internet document.)
[22] Federal Highway Administration, Transportation Infrastructure and Finance Innovation Act, “TIFIA Projects, TIFIA Applications - July 2000,” ( (Internet document.)
[23] Telephone interview with Thomas Doebner, director, Funds Management, Budget and Finance Division, Texas Department of Transportation, Austin, Texas, June 9, 2000.
[24] Proposal submitted by Lee F. Jackson, County Judge, to the Honorable Rick Perry, Lieutenant Governor, State of Texas, June 5, 2000.
[25] Telephone interview with Thomas Doebner, director, Funds Management, Budget and Finance Division, Texas Department of Transportation, Austin, Texas, June 9, 2000.
[26] Testimony by Tom Johnson, Associated General Contractors, before the State Border Affairs and State Affairs Committees, Houston, Texas, April 2000.
[27] Texas Bond Review Board, 1999 Annual Report (Austin, Texas, November 1999), p. 7.
[28] Texas Bond Review Board, 1999 Annual Report (Austin, Texas, November 1999), pp. 9-10.
[29] Texas Bond Review Board, Texas State and Local Government Fiscal 1997 Debt Report (Austin, Texas, April 1999), p. A-6.
[30] Vernon’s Ann. Civ. St. art. 717k-7, §8.
[31 ] M. Ishaq Nadiri and Theofanis Mamuneas, Federal Highway Administration, “Contributions of Highway Capital to Output and Productivity Growth in the U.S. Economy and Industries,” August 1998, (http://www. (Internet document.) A summary is also available at ( (Internet document.)
e-Texas is an initiative of Carole Keeton Rylander, Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts