e-Texas Carole Keeton Rylander
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

December, 2000
The New Frontier

The Digital Frontier

The e-Texas Commission:
Our Roots Run Deep

A New Mindset:
Embracing Change

Strategies for Change:
The New Basics

Call to Action:
Texas Can Blaze the Trail

e-Texas Commission

The Digital Frontier

Information technology is creating a new frontier. A frontier without borders or boundaries. A frontier built on information and ideas. A frontier that is already changing the way Texans live, learn and work.

This new frontier turns the old rules upside down, as the private sector learned in the 1990s. To stay in business, corporations had to transform the way they operate, the way they interact with customers and suppliers—even the way they think about what they do.

Now these same forces are reaching government. The question is no longer whether Texas state government will have to change the way it thinks and does things, but how.

  • How can the state set a course for an uncertain future?
  • How does the state need to transform its operations?
  • How will the state set priorities?
  • How can Texas policymakers, businesses and citizens help make it happen?

Tough questions like these inspired Texas Comptroller Carole Keeton Rylander to initiate e-Texas, an effort she promised during her campaign for Comptroller, to explore new ways of conducting the state's business, in November 1999. Over the last year, the e-Texas Commission, composed of individuals from the private sector, and supported by the Comptroller's office, has heard from the experts, identified the "best practices" of other entities, examined the state's operations, listened to citizens, considered alternatives and recommended strategies to improve.

What we learned is that electronic government or "e-government," is as much a mindset as a particular strategy, technology or solution. This is the new frontier, and nobody really knows what lies ahead. But one government will lead the way. Why not Texas?

e-Texas is an initiative of Carole Keeton Rylander, Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
Post Office Box 13528, Capitol Station
Austin, Texas

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