© December, 2000
Carole Keeton Rylander
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
Report of the e-Texas Commission

e-Texas Chapter 6 | Endnotes


[1] This provides purchasers and other authorized users with a complete and secure electronic procurement process. Through the portal, users can search for sources of products and services; buy items through existing state term contracts; review state-owned inventories (warehouse, central supplies, etc.); solicit, receive, evaluate, and award bids; and receive shipping notices and invoices. Ultimately, the system may be linked with agency accounting systems, allowing associated accounting functions to be completed automatically.

[2] Phoenix Planning & Evaluation, Rockville, Maryland, “The State of Texas Electronic Commerce Feasibility Study,” (May 1998), pp. 53-54.

[3] To make WebFile work for Texans, the Comptroller’s office must ensure that the information citizens provide electronically is treated with the highest confidentiality. Upon signing on to the Web site, two pieces of information known only to the taxpayer and the Comptroller’s office are requested. Once the filer has been identified, he or she can select a Personal Identification Number (PIN) to be used in future filings.

[4] Mastercard and Visa have chosen not to participate in the program.

[5] It is important to earn every penny possible on the money received, so it is a race to get the checks deposited into the State Treasury. After the money has been taken care of, then the focus shifts to the report data, which tells how many sales were made and where.

[6] Quotes for equipment came from Bell and Howell and Pitney Bowes; maintenance agreement costs were reported by the Comptroller’s Support Services Division.

[7] These training opportunities will include review sessions to prepare candidates to take certification exams and briefings on new technologies. The Academy will work closely with the state agencies sponsoring the participants to ensure that they receive training relevant to their particular positions and working environments.

e-Texas is an initiative of Carole Keeton Rylander, Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
Post Office Box 13528, Capitol Station
Austin, Texas

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